August 19, 2009

08.18.09 Teengirl Fantasy, Dinowalrus, Cale Parks & Lemonade @ Santos Party House

"Dance like you we do it, oooh you go"

I don't remember Teengirl Fantasy playing Azz Klapz Customize It, maybe I was too distracted by the emptiness of the space. I'm watching Top Chef and staring at Padma Lakshmi's breast almost coming out from her red dress, so my memory of their set is blurrier than ever. They did make a great opener for Dinowalrus, Cale Parks and Lemonade. I would actually have preferred Cale Parks played first. The drums was too much for me.

It seems the bill was for dance tunes and beats, so it felt a tad bit weird having Dinowalrus on the bill. As Kyle mentioned, they weren't in Brooklyn, the crowd probably never heard of them. But they were great and sounded so much better with Santo's sound system. Anyway Lemonade killed it. Yes, I wrote "killed it" because of my lack of a better word. They mix dubstep, electro, jungle, reggae,latin percussion?, drum and bass, etc. I suggest checking out their track "Blissout". The vocals of the track reminds me of Mottaka by Queso and smoking a spliff :)

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