May 27, 2009

05.21.09 Zombie Zombie, Apache Beat @ Studio B

Do you like GI Joe and Zombies? Well if you do you checkout the music video of the dudes from Zombie Zombie, French duo Etienne Jaumet and Cosmic Neman.

Driving This Road Until Death Sets You Free is sick. The horror dark synth of like getting eaten slowly by Zombies and the laid back drums makes you feel like it's okay to be eaten slowly then turn into a mindless reanimated walking corpse. The video of the song, which is a stop motion of GI Joe figures and Zombies is brilliant. GI Joe's turning into zombies, blood, GI Joe's chopping off GI Joe zombies, definitely epic.

I don't know how long I have waited for them to come over to New York but alas, the wait is over and done. Zombie Zombie is great both live and on the record. My only concern is that the record outdo the live set but in fairness to the dudes, reproducing tracks from the record with so much tech stuff is a bitch, so they are cool in ma book.

What can I say about Apache Beat? Well Ilirjana Alushaj dancing in the video of Tropics is stuck in my head. The drums and Ilirjana dancing are good enough reasons for me why they are called Apache Beat.

This band actually deserves more attention bec:
a. Ilirjana Alushaj is hot
b. Ilirjana Alushaj is hot
c. They make good songs
d. Ilirjana Alushaj is hot

but seriously they are indeed a good band. So I'm like surprised they opened for the show with about 12 people in front of them. People need to give them mo loveee.

Ilirjana, if your reading this I would like to know where you got that angel wings sweater.

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