March 11, 2009

Let's Wrestle, Shellshag, Mike Hunchback @ Maxwell's 03.11.09

Eleven years ago a princes diedddddddddddddd....

Guy from M2M Mart(Chris?): Let's Wrestle is good.
Me: Oh yeah, they're playing tomorrow night at Maxwell's.

Let's Wrestle, Mike Hunchback, Stupid Party, Shellshag and This Bike Is A Pipebomb were on the bill at Maxwell's. A pretty good list and actually dirt cheap considering there's 5 bands in total.

Mike played some death defying vocals in my ears and it also reminded me of the NJ punk scene. The crowd was pretty much okay at this point. UK band Let's Wrestle, who are also playing several shows in Brooklyn, including a show with POBH, (which btw I will missed) and several SXSW shows were next. First thing I notice is at this point the crowd is dead. Ha. I don't know why NJ crowd sucks unless someone is playing punk or hardcore. Not a lot of love from NJ. Let's Wrestle eventually charmed the crowd with their witty lyrics.

Well we all know, Shellshag always throw a good show so I will leave it at that but for the rest I missed them. Next time maybe?

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